Folk Music Workshops
Kantele Workshop
”Ota kantele käteesi, kultakieli kainaloosi. Sormet soitolle sovita, laske ääni laulamahan!...”
Kantele is the national instrument of Finland. There are a number of types of the instrument. In this workshop, you play the 5-string kantele. Rather than seeking perfection, the idea is to enjoy making music together. No previous experience is required. Get in touch and we will fix the date and time that best suits your holiday plans.
Tutor: Reetta-Mari Kellokoski, Laura Vuorjoki-Elo, Kirsi Uutinen, Mammu Koskelo
Professional teachers, skilful musicians, specialiced in folkmusic, with passion and international touch.
Fee: depending on course details from 180 euros p.p. Min 2 persons.
Other: could be combined to home stay in Joensuu
For information: info(at)
Rune Singing Workshop
Learn about the Finnish rune singing tradition! The chapters, runes, of the Finnish national epic Kalevala were originally songs. In the workshop, you get acquainted with the Kalevala rune singing in its varied forms. Some of the runes originate from the very province of North Karelia. Come and enjoy singing with others and explore the exciting world and tales of rune singing! Get in touch and we will fix the date and time that best suits your holiday plans.
Tutor: Reetta-Mari Kellokoski, Laura Vuorjoki, Kirsi Uutinen, Mammu Koskelo, professional teachers, artists, specialized in folk music
Fee: depending on course details from 180 euros p.p. Min 2 persons.
For information: info(at)
Music Making Workshop for Kids
”Tillin tallin tikka se tanssi rannalla rapakivellä…"
In this workshop for kids, we sing, play and dance and get to know the kantele and folk music. What is rune singing and what does a polka sound like? No previous experience is required. The emphasis is on the joy of music; let's have fun together! Get in touch and we will fix the date and time that best suits your holiday plans.
Tutor: Reetta-Mari Kellokoski, Laura Vuorjoki-Elo, Kirsi Uutinen, Mammu Koskelo
Fee: depending on course details
For further details: info(at)